SMR No.: CO143-051002-
Monument Type: Stone circle - multiple-stone
In pasture on natural rock terrace on S slope of low hill. Circle excavated 1957 (Fahy 1959, 1-27); and nearby fulacht fiadh (CO143-051002-) and hut site (CO143-051001-) in 1958 (Fahy 1960, 1-17). Circle consisted of seventeen stones; two missing and one fallen. Stones are 0.55m to 2.05m L, 0.2m to 0.65m T and 1.1m to 2.05m H. On upper surface of axial stone, largest stone in circle, are two shallow cup-marks, one surrounded by oval carving. Internal measurement along main axis, aligned NE-SW, is 9m. Five pits found within circle, sealed beneath compacted gravel floor; one pit contained deposit of cremated human bone, fragments of shale and numerous sherds of coarse fabric pot. Charcoal from burial yielded C14 determination of AD 600 ± 120 (D-62) which is 'clearly anomalous' (O Nualláin 1984a, 10). Other finds from circle included seven pieces of flint, including small convex scraper (O Nualláin 1984, 24. no. 37; Roberts 1988, Ch. 2, no. 5).
All 3D models, videos and images of this cultural heritage object/site are the copyright of the Discovery Programme and can be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND).

High Resolution Data
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Technical Details
3D Capture Method: Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)
3D Capture Description: Phase based terrestrial laser scanning using a Faro Focus 120 laser scanner. The instrument quotes the following specification:
- Distance accuracy up to ±2mm.
- Range from 0.6m up to 120m.
- Measurement rate up to 976,000 points/sec.
- Intensity & RGB. Integrated colour camera.
- Photorealistic 3D colour scans with up to 70 megapixels.
- Parallax-free colour overlay.
Laser scans geo-referenced using RTK GPS with VRSnow corrections
Data Processing Software
Processing of point cloud data: Faro Scene & Pointools
Meshing of data: Geomagic Studio 2012
3D Modelling & Texturing: Autodesk Mudbox, Mari, 3D Studio Max