
SMR No.: Multiple
Monument Type: Monastic centre
Skellig Michael ('The Rock of St Michael') located off the south-west coast of Ireland is the most spectacularly situated of all the early medieval island monastic sites, with a well-preserved monastery and remote hermitage. The pinnacle consists of two Old Red Sandstone peaks with a valley between them.The island's isolation has helped to preserve and protect the monastic remains. There are two main sites on the island: the monastery and the hermitage, with three flights of steps to the monastery.
Technical Details
3D Capture Method: Aerial Lidar
3D Capture Description: FLI-MAP 400; an aerial LiDAR survey system, was initially designed to survey infrastructural assets such as roads, railways and electricity supply networks. The sensor system mounted beneath the main helicopter fuselage consists of:
- Three 150 kHz LiDAR sensors (7◦ forward, nadir and 7◦ aft);
- Scanning angle 60◦
- Accuracy (relative) Horizontal 5 cm, Vertical 3 cm
- Multiple returns 4
- Two RTK GPS receivers – provide accurate location in used in conjunction with RTK base stations;
- Inertial Navigation System (INS)- continuously track the position, orientation, and velocity of the helicopter;
- Digital imaging (11 megapixel) and digital video capture.
Resulting data sets include first return (DSM) and last return point (DTM, bare earth) models
Data Processing Software: ArcGIS & Geomagic Studio