
SMR No.: Stone sculpture - aniconic
Monument Type: GA097-152----
The Turoe stone is a granite stone located in Bullaun, Galway which is highly decorated with Celtic, or La Téne style carvings. Its height is approximately 1.68m.
Technical Details
3D Capture Method: Close range Scanning
3D Capture Description: The Next Engine 3D Laser Scanner was utilised to generate resolution models of surfaces with small scale detail. The Next Engine uses MultiStripe Laser Triangulation (MLT) technology.
- Source - Twin arrays of four, Class 1M, 10 mW solid state lasers with custom optics 650 nm l.
- Sensor - Twin 3.0 Megapixel CMOS image sensors.
- Photo Surface - Optically synchronous 7-color surface capture for precision-locked geometry correlation.
- Photo Lighting Built-in spatially diverse white-light illuminators with triphosphor, wide color gamut.
- Object Size - No preset limit. Objects larger than field can be assembled with supplied software.
- Field Size - 5.1" x 3.8" (Macro) and 13.5" x 10.1" (Wide). HD PRO Extended Mode 22.5" x 16.75".
- Resolution - 3D point density on target surface is 400 DPI in Macro Mode and 150 DPI in Wide Mode. Texture Density - 400 DPI on target surfaces is 400 DPI in Macro Mode and 150 DPI in Wide Mode.
- Dimensional Accuracy±0.005" in Macro Mode and ±0.015" in Wide Mode.
Post-processing is done in Geomagic Studio 2012 software: individual scans are edited, aligned, before a final surface is generated using global registration, fusion, and a small objects filter algorithm.. For dissemination purposes a 3D pdf of the model is generated using Geomagic Studio 2012.
Data Processing Software: Geomagic Studio